•  Our guiding principles are always in favor of human rights.
  • Non-discrimination under any circumstance or characteristic of the people we serve.
  • We apply the principle of creativity as a fundamental axis of our work. This involves developing and implementing creative solutions to the many problems faced by the most vulnerable individuals and families based on our experience with the community.
  • A gender perspective is integrated transversally in all our projects and in the daily operation of the organization.
  • Principle of efficiency, effectiveness, and efficacy: we strive to do the most possible with the resources we have, reaching the greatest number of people and providing the highest possible quality in our services.
  • The principle of coordination and cohesion is fundamental in our work, guiding all our efforts towards active collaboration with the groups we support. We work hand in hand with civil society organizations, public administrations, and the private sector, fostering a continuous exchange of knowledge and experiences. The goal of this collaborative effort is to guarantee and respect the rights of individuals.


Our main mission is to support people who, for various reasons, are socially excluded or at risk of exclusion.

The group we serve includes immigrants, women and minors who are victims of human trafficking, women and minors who are victims of gender-based violence, homeless individuals and/or those with drug or alcohol addiction problems, socially excluded minors, and families living in poverty.

Betania’s goal is for people who suffer from social exclusion to regain their dignity, assert their rights, and resume or start an autonomous life.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent the fundamental pillars for eradicating poverty, preserving the environment, and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

At Betania, we are committed to working in alignment with these SDGs, implementing solutions to combat poverty and hunger, and developing projects that promote the improvement of the health and well-being of those who seek our resources. We are dedicated to personal and professional growth, as well as quality education, with the aim of reducing inequalities in all their forms.

Board of directors

Technical Sub-director

Advisory council

The role of a member of Betania’s Advisory Council has the primary responsibility of proposing, analyzing, evaluating, and recommending projects and programs to Betania’s Board of Directors.

These functions are aimed at contributing to the development and improvement of the organization, ensuring that decisions are based on thorough analysis and the fulfillment of established objectives.

Ambassador of the Women's Area

Honorary member

María Adánez - Spanish actress

Joaquín Prat - Spanish Journalist and TV Presenter

Transparency portal