Congress on Human Trafficking. How to make a hidden reality visible

Nuevo Hogar Betania held, on Thursday 26th May, its 1st Congress “Human Trafficking. How to make a hidden reality visible” in the Faculty of Labour Sciences of the University of Seville.
Aimed at social, health and justice professionals as well as state security forces and bodies and students, the congress was held between 9.30am and 7pm with the collaboration and sponsorship of the Social Council of the University of Seville, with the aim of making visible the problem of human trafficking and its relationship with sexual and labour exploitation.
The event was inaugurated by Ms. Ana López, vice-rector of the University of Seville; Ms. Concha Yoldi, president of the Social Council of the University of Seville; Mr. Alejandro Díaz, dean of the Faculty of Labour Sciences of the University of Seville; Ms. Maribel Montaño, head of the Unit against Violence against Women of the Andalusian Government Delegation and Ms. Begoña Arana, director of Nuevo Hogar Betania.
Among the speakers at this congress were Miriam Benterrak, Director of Humanitarian Care and Social Inclusion of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration; Maribel Montaño, Head of the Unit against Violence against Women of the Andalusian Government Delegation; the Prosecutor for Alien Affairs of the State Attorney General’s Office, Beatriz Sánchez; the Delegate Prosecutor for Alien Affairs and Human Trafficking in the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Seville, Natividad Plasencia; the Director of the Andalusian Women’s Institute (IAM), Laura Fernández and the magistrate, university professor and expert in gender violence (Madrid), María Gavilán. At the table of specialised entities, together with the director of NHB, sat Rocío Mora, from the Association for the prevention, reinsertion and care of prostituted women (APRAMP) and Rocío Mendoza, lawyer from the Amiga Association for the human rights of women (Seville).
In addition, a table of real testimonies in which three women victims of trafficking will give their vital testimony in order to demonstrate that it is possible to escape from this reality.
From Nuevo Hogar Betania we are very proud of the results of this first congress and we would like to thank the University of Seville for hosting it, the specialist organisations who, together with the speakers, gave it value, and to highlight the table of real testimonies, which, with the maximum protection for the victims, ensured that these women who have gone through the vital processes of recovery and stabilisation, are the voice of other people and references in the fight against this scourge.
We need visibility and our abolitionist stance was latent to reach as many people as possible. We hope to be able to continue offering these trainings in order to achieve a better future and to transform the world by eradicating trafficking.


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